May 13, 2013 kirkkienzle Music It Is A Race May 13, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Remember when you used to rush and your mom would tell you, “Its not a race.” Well she was wrong. It is a race.
April 17, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Packing Up April 17, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Do you ever have trouble waking up in the morning? Yeah me too. Even when there is something you want to do.
April 8, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Come Along April 8, 2013 kirkkienzle Music I love to explore, whether hiking with my wife or going for long drives not knowing where we will end up.
March 31, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Pesach March 31, 2013 kirkkienzle Music This piece has four parts: death, decent, accent and glory. I was basically thinking of two things.
March 24, 2013 kirkkienzle Music Hot Air Balloon March 24, 2013 kirkkienzle Music I’ve never been in a hot air balloon. I want to one day. I imagine that it is different than parasailing or hand-gliding mostly because its slower. I’ve never done those either.